Koshi and Zaphir Windchimes; Sound Healing

Welcome Back

I have recently discovered Koshi Windchimes. Not sure where I first saw the name but I’m sharing some links today so you can find out more about them with me and I’ll also list UK sellers of these amazing French windchimes. Don’t look now but while writing this post, I’ve found Zaphir chimes, WOW!! Seriously wow, there may not be money for food or anything else while I fill my house with these healing sounds.

Rather than all of us having to search the whole internet for these chimes here are the stockists I’ve found so far.


Koshi manufacturers website in France

Zaphir makers website in France for information and wholesales only

Zaphire site with colours n sound demo’s

UK Sellers of Koshi chimes and of Zaphir chimes

I’m linking to home pages and then the items page, simply because home pages are less likely to change over time.


So far I have ordered one of the Koshi chimes to see what its like and how heavy it is as I have limited dexterity, I can see me ordering the other 3 in the set BUT I am also now very much in love with the Zaphir chimes, especially the Blue Moon, which I’d put in the bedroom, Sunray for the dining room and Sufi for the meditation space.

This latest obsession is going to get expensive…but oh my do they sound tranquil and I really need tranquil in my life, don’t you?

The Sound travels website seems to have the easiest links to what they all sound like next to the koshi right next to the product, Windchimes corner also have sound demos one by one next to each chime too. but I put a couple of video links in as well.

So if you need some sound healing in your life, I invite you to have a ponder on these and have a search on You Tube for the amazing sounds they make.

May we all find a safe place to rest and the time we need to heal.

Peace, love light and thank you for reading

Billie x


Koshi were not too heavy, the Ignis (fire) one was so nice I ordered the other three from Windchimes corner and they arrived safely today and played in pairs they are even more divine. If you struggling with a lot of stress I highly recommend giving these a try for soothing moments of tranquility.

Koshi are quite simply BLISS.

It would be nice to find a small footprint stand that allowed them to be played in situ. I saw a stand on one of the sites above but it looked like the chimes tag at the base was resting on the floor so that would effect the free flow for me a bit.



Feel Good Friday 4. The Sacred Alone

Welcome Back

We made it through another week, phew, how was it for you? Its that time in the week where we treat ourselves to a little something special to celebrate making it though. As we near the end of this course with me, I want to share details of the most wonderful e-course which I took earlier in the year and would highly recommend to everyone. Its called The Sacred Alone by Susannah Conway.

The Sacred Alone

the sacred alone title

Like me Susannah was widowed young and has had to find new ways to find her way in the world. This course isn’t just for the bereaved, its for anyone who is or feels alone and really isn’t that cool with it…YET. This course is so amazing, kind, nurturing, healing. Becoming used to being alone is a process and evolution takes time but with this course she helps you find ways that make it feel different, kinder, softer, less intimidating.

This course was a life changer to me, and using the practices from it I hope will help me through another long winter. During the course you will receive a daily email, Monday to Friday with such healing words of hope n comfort and at the end a pdf to download and keep of the entire course, which I love! There is mindfulness, meditation and visualizations. Let’s let Susannah explain more about it on her website

You deserve to treat yourself to this, if you read the description and like I did, cry because it sounded so perfect, then listen to your heart and go for it.

Best wishes and thanks for reading, see you soon, Namaste.


Feel Good Friday 2. Kyle Gray

Welcome Back

We made it through another week! How was it for you? Its treat day, what are you going to treat yourself to today?

Self Love September Bookshelf

This week I’d like to offer you Kyle Gray’s book 111 Ways to Raise your Vibration as a suggestion for your wishlist.


This book has a daily passage to read that is full of love and positive affirmations to help you feel more hopeful and positive about your day. Thought for the day lets say.

After taking Susannah Conways ecourse The Sacred Alone (more on that soon) I now have a daily spiritual practice, where I sit, meditate, draw some cards and then read a passage for this BEFORE I do anything else. This has had a massive impact on my anxiety and I highly recommend you seeking ways to find what helps you make right now feel softer, in ways that feel safe to you.

This may not be achievable for you everyday but it is a wonderful way to start your day, or perhaps to end your day, whenever you can carve yourself some time to be still and be in your body n listen to yourself n work on your needs.

Now I discovered Kyle after buying a copy of Kindred Spirit Magazine earlier in the year and I liked how he was in to meditation, and some Buddhist stuff too. Please know I’m not trying to push anyone into anything spiritual, I respect we are all in our own spaces about that, and if you aren’t on the same page as him during the introduction, please keep reading and go with the daily pages as they are universal and healing very similar to mindfulness practices.

If you would like to find out more about Kyle Gray here is where you can find out more

Kyle Gray website

Kyle Gray Raise Your vibration video

May your day be as kind and gentle as possible, would love to hear what your treat of the week will be if you would like to share it in your comments. Best wishes and thanks for reading. Namaste

Feel Good Friday 1, Light is the New Black

Welcome Back

Today is Feel Good Friday. Did you make a list yesterday, of what lights you up? Have a look around the house and see if there are any items that really make you light-up. Have them somewhere prominent in your space, honor and celebrate the feeling that they give you.

Congratulations for making it through the week, what is your chosen treat?

Is it a material thing, something from your wishlist? Maybe its spending time with people you love, or can you make it about your needs? What would be possible from your list of what lights you up? Is there a book that will help you towards where you want to go, a magazine you fancy, can you go somewhere special to you? This is your weekly date with you, for you and about you. What does that look like for you?

If you can do this without the support of others to create a special time for you, that’s great as then your happiness isn’t dependent on other people being willing to play along and cannot be broken if they refuse too. But honor the page that you are on, and if you need support to achieve something right now and have people that will help, go with it. No judgement here.If you want a magazine but can’t get there to get it, is there an online option, a subscription perhaps or would someone pick it up for you.

Free treat Friday

If there aren’t funds for buying treats right now, how about creating a wishlist to help you focus on what you would like to bring into your world and have something to save or aim towards?

In the meantime, why not hit your music shelf n dig out an album you love but have forgotten about, the wardrobe to hunt out the favorite jumper or item of clothing that makes you feel so comfy or totally amazing. Is there a book you love on your bookshelf, how about reading that? Tea from your favorite cup, on your favorite plate? Do you have a favorite duvet cover that you could put on your bed as a treat?

What can you do to make your space feel special with what you have to hand?

Honor the page you are on right now, its about rewarding your weeks achievements however you can. It can be simple small things too.

Plan ahead, can you find an item ready for next Friday or maybe place your order so you have something to look forward to all week.

The Self Love bookshelf

So what will it be for you this week? If I could make a wish for you and you struggle with low self esteem, I would highly recommend Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell.An empowering life changing book and what inspired me to write this series. This is perfect for Self Love September.


Rebecca Campbell is amazing, here is her You Tube video about this book.

This is Rebecca’s You Tube channel which links to her website.

My treat this week, that I’ve been saving for September is the book; Radical Self love by Gala Darling


What you do today, becomes the memory you look back on from tomorrow.

Live the story you want to tell.

best wishes and thanks for reading, Namaste x